Student Voice

At Frome College we know that Student Voice is an essential part of the College’s continued development. We ask for Student Voice regularly in the following ways: 
  • Open Door Policy. All students are welcome to speak to their teachers, tutors, senior leaders and support staff about any issues that they want to raise.  

  • Weekly Student Voice Meetings with the Principal. The Principal sees students weekly in groups of 10. All students will be seen by the Principal at least once every academic year. 

  • Student Union. The College student and staff body elect a President and Vice President annually. The President and Vice President work with students across the College to plan and work towards objectives during their time in the role.

  • Student Council. Each tutor group elect a Tutor Rep who attends termly Student Council Meetings. Prior to these meetings the Tutor Rep meets with their tutor group who can raise any items for the Student Council Meeting Agenda. These meetings are chaired by the President and Vice President of the Student Union and the Vice Principal and a Governor also attends these meetings. The Tutor Reps feedback the meeting minutes to all students in their Tutor Group. Meeting minutes are published and can be found at the link below.  

  • Student Termly Surveys. Prior to the termly Student Council Meeting, all students are invited to complete a Student Voice Survey. The results of this are form one of the items on the Student Council Meeting agendas. Student Voice with the Governors. Each term a group of Governors meet with a group of students to collect student voice.  

The outcomes of all elements of Student Voice are fed back to the Senior Leadership Team and the Governors at least once each term and are used to monitor and inform improvement planning. 

You said… 

  • you wanted shorter queues in the canteen.

We listened and…  

  • looked at our organisation in the canteen ensuring the queues move quickly.

You said… 

  • you wanted more staff on duty so that you had more people to go to if needed 

We listened and…  

  • doubled the amount of staff on duty.  

You said… 

  • you wanted more seating areas for breaks and lunchtimes. 

We listened and…  

  • bought 20 extra picnic benches

You said… 

  • you wanted unisex cubicle toilets. 

We listened and…  

  • refurbished 2 toilet blocks with individual cubicles. 3 out of 4 toilet blocks are refurbished, with plans in place to refurbish the final one.  

You said… 

  • you wanted 6th form only toilets 

We listened and…  

  • and installed a key pad outside of the toilets, so these can only be accessed by 6th form students.


We always start our Student Council Meetings with thank yous. Here are some of the highlights from the last meeting:

  •  My English teacher was very supportive throughout the mocks and gave great feedback. She always pushes us to achieve our best. 

  • My Drama teacher is just great especially with her teaching around coursework. 

  • My Art teacher is so organised and always there to help. 

  • My Media Studies teacher engages with his class really well.

  • My Sociology teacher is supportive and helps me a lot. He also helps me to build my confidence. 

  • My Form Tutor is just wonderful!

  • My Health and Social Care teacher is always supportive and pushes us to do our best. 

  • I love my RPE lessons, they are so fun. 

  • I love Debate Club.

  • My Music teacher has been very support with Music coursework. 

  • I love the weekly quizzes organised by our tutor and Deputy Head of House. 

I have been impressed with the communication from school and the speed at replying to queries.