Letters Home

What letters will I find here?

Generic letters that are given to students to take home can be found here e.g. school trips, revision sessions, exam information, parents' evening invitations, etc. Personal letters to parents will never be published here.

Parent College Partnership
Severe Weather Plan
Principal's Letters Home - Term 6

Principal's letter 15th July 2024

End of Year Letter from Alun Williams, CEO, Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership

Principal's Letter 8th July 2024

Principal's Letter 1st July 2024

Principal's Letter 24th June 2024

Principal's letter 17th June 2024

Principals letter 10th June 2024 plus attachments

Principal's letter 3rd June 2024

Letter for Ofsted Report Nov 23

OFSTED Report 2023

Letters for Year 12 and 13 parents are found in the Sixth Form section of our website, here.