The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is offered at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels and is open to all students who want to take part.
The award aims to encourage young people between the ages of 13 (start of Year 9) and 24 years old, to take up new interests and learn new skills. Participants work on programmes of voluntary work, physical activity and non-physical skills and participate in an expedition, involving camping and walking. For more information about the award, follow this link: or visit the DofE site on YouTube.
At Frome College the DofE programme is offered at varying times throughout the year. Due to previous pandemic restrictions some of the usual timings have varied and might vary again.
General Admin
20 Conditions of the Expedition
Programme Ideas: Physical Activity
Bronze Level
Year 9 – the Bronze award is usually introduced early in the year at year assemblies and there is normally an information evening for parents in the Autumn Term. The Bronze level is generally completed during Year 10.
Planning Form, assessor report forms
Silver Level
Year 10 and 11 – many participants continue from Bronze level, however you will need to register again for Silver level. If a Year 10 student has missed the Bronze level, they can apply as a Direct entrant at Silver. This would entail some additional training and extra commitment in one of the sections.
The Silver award should aim to be finished in Year 11.
Gold Level
Years 12 and 13 – Students can register for the Gold award when they are 16 years old. Usually Gold practice expeditions will be offered late in Year 12. Students wishing to undertake the Gold level really need to be ready to start at the beginning of Year 12 and you need to register for the Gold Level. If you are Year 13 some sections of your award could be completed after you have left college. If you have not completed the previous award levels you can apply as a Direct entrant. This would entail some additional training and extra commitment in a chosen section. In addition Gold participants have to attend a five day residential organised by the participant.
We aim for both practice and qualifying expeditions to be held towards the end of the academic year, usually after exams, with any training earlier in the year.
Costs vary year on year. They depend on campsite fees and locations. Bronze and Silver expeditions could cost around £130. Gold costs vary on the type of expedition and where there is suitable wild country. Generally the costs of the two required expeditions are about £200-£220. At Gold the residential course can be free to expensive depending on what is chosen.
Costs need not be a barrier. Bursaries are available for students who would be eligible for free school meals. Please contact Sue Bailey if you would like to apply for help. There is a link to a Somerset Bursary Form in the DofE General Admin above.