First Aid

Frome College has a number of qualified staff responsible for administering first aid to students during the school day, as well as a dedicated first aid officer.

Please note that students should not arrange to be collected by a carer without being assessed by the first aid team first. If your child has an accident during the day or feels unwell, they will be referred to our First Aid Officer who will assess your child’s condition and contact carers if necessary.


If your child becomes unwell at school they should present at Attendance (part of Student Services) to be referred to the First Aid Officer. We will always encourage students with minor ailments to stay in school wherever possible.

If a student is in a lesson and feels unwell, they can advise their teacher that they require first aid and they will be given permission to leave the classroom. If the first aid officer feels that your child requires additional medical support or is too unwell to be in school then they will call the contact numbers that we have on file. We will always contact carers if a student has sustained a head injury, even if minor.  It is vitally important that you update the school of any change of contact numbers or circumstance in case of emergency.

All incidents and illnesses are recorded on our online first aid system using information given by the student, including any treatment given by the first aid team.


It is essential for students to bring any prescribed medication to Student Services, together with a signed consent letter or medication form from parents/carers, giving permission for First Aid qualified staff to dispense the prescribed quantity when necessary. The medication must be in its original packaging, with prescription information clearly stated on it, including the student’s name and the dosage. The consent letter should also clearly state the time and dosage to be given to the student. Please note that the onus is on the student to arrive at Student Services for their medication at the correct time.

Students diagnosed with conditions that can require emergency medications such as asthma, diabetes and severe allergies should take responsibility for carrying their medication on their person. However, we are happy to store emergency named medication as above in the first aid room if carers wish.

Please note that we are not allowed to issue any pain relief such as paracetamol. If your child requires pain relief during the school day we will contact you and ask you to bring some into reception for your child to collect. If your child is likely to need to take pain relief during the day, for example if they are experiencing period pains, then they can bring a single dose to school to carry on their person.

Medical Conditions and Health Care Plans

Students with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy or severe allergies will require a Health Care Plan. These documents are written between school, student and carers and will advise staff of how the student’s condition should be managed, detail any special interventions required and what to do in case of an emergency. If your child has or develops a medical condition, or there are any changes, it is vital that you update the school so that this can be put in place. We will also provide this for some short term conditions such as fractures.

Other information

We have two portable defibrillators on site and have epipens available in case of emergency.

If you have any questions related to first aid please contact our First Aid Officer at

Feedback from my child suggests they are really pleased with the approach from the teaching staff.