Performance Measures

Exam Performance

Click here for exam results 2023

This page shows the latest exam results and performance measures for Frome College. Performance measures for 2019-2021 are not available as they have not been published by the Secretary of State due to the disruption caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Performance data for 2023 will be published in October 2023. At the moment please find below the main headlines for data, but bear in mind these will change due to re-marks.

Attainment8     43.34

Progress 8        0.05

Entered Ebacc   19.5%

5 GCSEs+         60%

English and Maths    59%

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

2021 - 2022


44% Students achieving GCSE English and Maths at grade 5 or above:     

13% Students entered for EBacc:                                                                          

11% Students achieving EBacc:                                                                              

Progress 8:  -0.07                                                                                                            

Attainment 8:   45.38                                                                                                     

% Students staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms: 97


Performance Tables

Please click here to see Frome College's performance tables via the external Department for Education website. Our performance tables report how our students have performed over time. The page displays our recent Ofsted grade, Progress 8 score and other measures.