GCSE & BTEC Results

We are delighted to report our exceptional exam results for our talented cohort of year 11 students; this year group have made such excellent progress over key stage four and contributed much to College life. We are very proud of each and every individual.

In total 330 Frome College students sat 2715 examinations across 34 subjects and we are especially proud to report that a third of all students who studied Physics, Chemistry, Religion and Philosophy gained top levels of 7-9. Around a quarter of all students who studied Dance or Health and Social Care attained levels 7- 9 and a record 43% of all Drama students gained levels 7-9. Well done to all.

Maths and Biology GCSE results have been excellent this year with around 75% of all students studying these subjects achieving level 4 or above. Photography and Textiles results have excelled, progress made across these subjects shows that students have easily surpassed their targets by one level or above with over 80% gaining top levels.

We all look forward to our celebration event on Thursday 14th November in the Memorial Theatre where we will hear about this year group’s many individual stories of success and progress. To our incoming Year 12,, don’t forget your first day in Sixth Form is Thursday 5th September, we meet at 8.45 in Futures. Year 13 join you on Friday 6th September.

Thank you to all students, families and staff who have made these results possible. To those who are moving on - good luck and keep in touch.
Emma Reynolds

These results are excellent and reflect lots of hard work and determination on the part of students, staff
and parents- well done and thank you to all. Governors wish this year group well on the next step of their
future pathways.
Gayle Willmott, Chair of Governors

Photos with permission of The Frome Times