

You can view our Prospectus (Years 9-11) here, or our Sixth Form Prospectus here.

Student Parent Guide 202425

Admissions Procedure

Click below to read our Admissions Arrangements 2024

2024 Admissions Arrangements 

Proposed admissions arrangements for September 2026

Frome College Admissions Arrangements

Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Admissions Consultation

The admissions policies have now been put live for consultation. The period is 11th November to 23rd December. 

Comments on the proposal can be sent to

Year 9 Options

When they join us in September, Year 9 will have Core Subjects, Maths, English, Science, Core PE, PSHE, Ethics and Beliefs as well as the choice of 1 GCSE option from a menu of specially selected subjects. They will also take a language and have an exciting mix of compulsory KS3 subjects. Details of all this and a list of the options subjects can be found in the Options Choices Booklet which you can download here.

Options Choices booklet Year 8 in to Year 9 2025/26

A copy of the year 8 options evening presentation can be downloaded here.

Year 8 Options Evening Powerpoint

Joining Year 9 in September 2024 - intake year

Frome College is part of the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership. For information about September admission arrangements into Year 9, please click here.

In the autumn of Year 8, parents apply to the Local Authority for admission to the College, after which we follow a detailed transfer process with the child's current school. Applications must be made through Somerset County Council here.

We very much look forward to welcoming our new Year 9s in September 2024 and we aim to hold transition events over the summer term. Details of these events will be published here when dates are confirmed.

In-year Transfer 

In Year Application Form (PDF)

In Year Application Form (Word)

Changing Schools in Somerset In Year leaflet


For students joining us within an academic year (in Year 9, 10 or 11), please email completed form to or print and complete the application form and post it to:

Frome College
Bath Road
BA11 2HQ


Pastoral Frequently Asked Questions for Year 8 into Year 9


Which house / tutor group will my child go in?

Students that attend our feeder middle schools are placed into part tutor groups by their current head of Year 8. There then is a merge meeting (middle school staff and Frome College) where the part tutor groups are put together and placed into Houses. This does not happen until April as Frome College does not have a list from Somerset until then of who has applied.

If a student is joining us from outside the Frome middle school system, they are placed into the smallest tutor group, and we try to place another external in the same group.


When will we find out which tutor group / house?

We aim to have a letter sent out by May Half Term detailing this.

If you do not receive this letter it is because Somerset have not informed Frome College of your application. You must apply to join the College on the Somerset website here.


How much time does my child spend with their tutor / house group ?

Students spend 30 minutes a day with their tutor group. There may be occasions through the school year when they spend more time together but not often.

Each week there is an assembly and this is usually as a House group and sometimes as a year group.

The lessons through the school day are a mix of tutor group / Houses.

Within a House is a complete mix of students, they are not based around subjects / academic ability / previous school.



If you do have any specific questions regarding the pastoral area of College please contact Mrs V West Assistant Principal on

 Apply to join our Sixth Form

Please see our Sixth Form page. Our Head of Sixth Form, Mr a Davies, welcomes all Year 12 and 13 students.

Teachers know their pupils well and provide individualised help.